Redefining Beauty: A Complete Guide to Jaw Fillers

In the fast-changing world of cosmetic procedures, jaw fillers have emerged as a popular choice for those looking to enhance their facial structure and achieve a more defined jawline. This non-surgical procedure has gained attention for its ability to contour and rejuvenate the lower face and seems to be a favorite of many celebrities.

Today, we’re looking at the types of fillers used for jawline enhancement and how they stack up against surgical jaw augmentation. Plus, we’ll discuss related cosmetic procedures for the lower part of the face.

Understanding Jawline Fillers

Jawline fillers are injectable treatments used to sculpt and define the jawline and chin area. For most people, this area is susceptible to age‐related volume loss, resulting in a weakened chin, sagging skin and overall lack of jawline definition. 

Dermal fillers offer a non-surgical option for those seeking a more pronounced jawline, balancing facial symmetry and reducing signs of aging. In men, they can create a more robust and angular jawline, often associated with a masculine appearance. For women, fillers can sculpt a softer yet defined jawline, contributing to a more youthful and balanced facial silhouette. 


  • Contouring and definition: Fillers can create a more defined and sculpted jawline, enhancing the overall facial structure.
  • Non-surgical: Unlike a facelift or chin implant, jawline fillers are minimally invasive with no extensive downtime.
  • Rejuvenation: By restoring volume, fillers can reduce the sagging appearance of jowls, contributing to a more youthful appearance.
  • Customizable Results: An experienced injector will tailor treatment to meet your aesthetic goals, addressing asymmetry and specific contouring needs.

Types of Fillers for Jawline Enhancement

The best fillers for jaw enhancement are those that are firm, flexible and long-lasting. Most jaw fillers contain hyaluronic acid (HA), a naturally occurring substance in the body that attracts moisture into the skin. Biocompatible and well-tolerated, HA fillers are widely used for their safety, efficacy, and reversible nature. Other fillers contain minerals or biodegradable synthetic materials designed to prolong their effects by stimulating collagen production.

Here’s your guide to all the fillers that are FDA-approved or used off-label for jaw contouring.

Juvederm Volux

The newest addition to the Juvederm collection of fillers from Allergan, Volux is the first FDA-approved filler specifically designed for jaw enhancement. This hyaluronic acid filler is the thickest and most resilient of the Juvederm family, enhancing the jawline and chin and correcting definition loss for 12–24 months.

Juvederm Voluma XC

Voluma XC, another filler from Juvederm, is designed for deep injection into the cheek area to correct age-related volume loss. Its thick consistency also makes it suitable for subtle enhancements to the jawline, but it may not provide as much definition as Volux. 

Juvederm Voluma XC can last up to 24 months, with touch-ups potentially extending the duration.

Restylane Lyft

This hyaluronic acid filler is used for severe wrinkles and folds, as well as for enhancing facial contours, including the jawline. Suitable for deeper injections, Restylane Lyft is well-known for its robust volumizing effect. The effects typically last around 12–18 months. 


Part of the RHA Collection, RHA 4 contains a more resilient form of hyaluronic acid that is designed to move with facial expressions. RHA 4 is the firmest formulation in this collection and is suitable for sculpting areas like the jawline and chin. Results can last up to 15 months.


Unlike HA fillers, Radiesse provides immediate volume and stimulates the production of natural collagen for long-lasting results. It contains microspheres of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa), a mineral-like compound naturally found in our bones and teeth, suspended in a gel carrier.

Radiesse is often chosen for its dual benefits of immediate volumization and long-term collagen stimulation. Effects can last a year or more, with some patients reporting results lasting up to 2 years.


Bella is a polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) filler with both immediate and long-term effects. PMMA is a synthetic, biocompatible substance used in medicine for decades. Bellafill contains PMMA microspheres suspended in a collagen gel. The gel works to immediately enhance the jawline, while the PMMA microspheres provide a framework for new collagen to grow upon.

Bellafill has long-lasting results, potentially maintaining their effect for up to 5 years.

Sculptra Aesthetic

Sculptra differs from other fillers in that its results aren’t immediate; rather, it stimulates collagen over time to provide gradual, natural-looking results. It contains poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA)–the same biodegradable material used in dissolvable sutures–the presence of which triggers your skin to produce more collagen. 

Sculptra is administered in a series of sessions spaced several weeks apart; once the desired effect has been achieved, results can last more than two years.

Jawline Filler Injection Points

Jawline filler treatment typically involves strategic injections at key points along the jawline. These points are chosen based on individual facial structures to enhance the natural contours of the jaw.


Injecting fillers into the chin can create a more balanced facial profile. Chin filler adds projection and definition, helping to create a harmonious balance with other facial features.

Prejowl sulcus

The prejowl sulcus is an indented or hollowed area that forms on either side of the chin as a result of sagging skin and bone reabsorption. Fillers injected into the prejowl sulcus smooth the jawline contour, reducing the appearance of jowls and rejuvenating the lower face.

Mandibular angle

The mandibular angle, also known as the gonial angle, is the angle formed where the lower rear part of the jaw meets the vertical part of the mandible, the ramus. Enhancing the mandibular or gonial angle sharpens the angle of the jaw, providing a stronger, more defined jawline. This is particularly effective in creating a more masculine jawline in men and a sculpted, elegant look in women.

What It’s Like to Get Jaw Fillers

Getting jaw fillers typically begins with a consultation, where your provider will analyze your facial anatomy, discuss your concerns and review your medical history to ensure you’re a good candidate. They’ll use that information to develop a treatment plan for you and map out the locations for your injections.

For the procedure, you’ll be seated in a comfortable chair while your injector carefully places injections along the chin and jaw area using a thin needle or cannula. To ensure your comfort throughout, most dermal fillers contain lidocaine, an anesthetic; if your chosen filler does not, your provider will apply a topical anesthetic beforehand. The procedure itself usually takes 15–30 minutes. 

Recovery & results

Jaw fillers require essentially no downtime, and you’ll be able to return to most normal activities immediately afterward. Avoid strenuous exercise and excess heat from hot tubs or saunas for a day or two, and follow all aftercare instructions from your provider.

Common side effects include temporary swelling, redness and bruising at the injection sites; these effects are considered normal and typically resolve within a few days.

Your filler results are often noticeable right away and improve over the following weeks as swelling subsides. Your jawline will appear smoother and more defined, with less jowling, improved chin projection and a stronger mandibular angle, depending on your injection sites.

What if I don’t like my results?

One of the key benefits of using hyaluronic acid fillers for jawline enhancement is their reversibility. In instances where the results don’t meet expectations or if there’s a desire for adjustment, an enzyme known as hyaluronidase can be used. This enzyme effectively dissolves the filler, reverting the jawline to its pretreatment state. 

This option provides a safety net and peace of mind, particularly for anyone apprehensive about the permanency of cosmetic enhancements. It ensures that if the outcome is not satisfactory, there’s a straightforward solution available.

Comparing Jawline Fillers with Other Treatments

In addition to jawline fillers, other minimally invasive cosmetic procedures can be effectively integrated to enhance facial balance and rejuvenate the lower face without necessarily altering the jawline itself.


Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable treatment primarily used to reduce submental fat, commonly known as a double chin. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, Kybella causes the destruction of fat cells, resulting in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin. 

The effects of Kybella on the lower face include a more contoured neck and jawline, with a significant reduction in the appearance of a double chin. This leads to a more defined jawline and a slimmer facial profile. 

While jawline fillers add volume and shape to the jawline itself, Kybella works by reducing excess fat under the chin, which can indirectly enhance the jawline’s definition. For individuals whose primary concern is excess fat under the chin, Kybella may be a more suitable option. 

In some cases, combining Kybella with jawline fillers can provide comprehensive results: Kybella to reduce under-chin fullness and fillers to add definition and contour to the jawline itself.

Masseter Botox

Botox injections into the masseter, one of the powerful muscles used for chewing, can slim the lower face and provide a more defined jawline contour. 

Unlike fillers that add volume, Botox in the masseter muscle reduces volume for a slimmer appearance. This is particularly beneficial for those with a strong, squared jawline seeking a softer angle. Botox in the masseter muscle can also complement the use of fillers, depending on your facial anatomy and goals.

Nefertiti lift

The Nefertiti lift is a technique that involves injecting Botox along the lower jawline and neck. The primary goal is to relax the muscles that pull down the jaw, thereby enhancing its definition and creating a more youthful, lifted appearance. The effects include a smoother neck, reduced sagging and a more defined jawline.

While jawline fillers add volume and contour directly to the jaw, the Nefertiti lift focuses on redefining the jawline by relaxing the muscles that affect its shape. This can result in a more natural-looking enhancement, especially in cases where the primary concern is sagging skin rather than lack of volume. 

Combining the Nefertiti lift with jawline fillers can provide both volume and a refined contour, offering a comprehensive approach to enhancing the jawline’s appearance.

Thread lift

A thread lift is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves placing temporary, dissolvable sutures under the skin to produce a subtle but visible lift in the skin. 

In the lower face, a thread lift can target sagging skin to create a more defined jawline and  reduce the appearance of jowls. While jawline fillers add volume to the area and can help in contouring and defining the jawline, a thread lift provides a lifting effect that can enhance the overall shape and contour of the lower face. 

For individuals with sagging skin or loss of facial elasticity, a thread lift might offer more significant improvements than fillers alone. However, combining both treatments can provide a comprehensive approach, with fillers adding volume and thread lifts providing the lifting and tightening effect, resulting in a more defined and youthful jawline.

Jaw Fillers vs. Plastic Surgery

Surgical jaw augmentation and jawline fillers both aim to enhance the jawline, but they differ significantly in their approach, invasiveness and outcomes.

Jaw augmentation surgery 101

Surgical jaw augmentation is a cosmetic procedure that reshapes or enhances the size of the jawline through the use of implants or by repositioning the bone. It is often sought by individuals looking to achieve a more pronounced, contoured jawline, or to correct asymmetries and congenital defects. The results are permanent, offering a long-lasting solution for those desiring a change in their jawline’s shape and size.

The procedure typically involves making incisions inside the mouth or under the jawline to insert custom-fit implants or to alter the jawbone’s structure. Recovery involves a period of swelling and bruising around the jaw and neck area, which can last for several weeks. It’s common to follow a soft or liquid diet initially, as chewing can be challenging immediately after the surgery. 

Full recovery and the final results may take several months to become apparent, during which time patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities and follow their surgeon’s specific aftercare instructions.

Jaw surgery vs. fillers

While jaw augmentation significantly, permanently alters your face, jawline fillers provide subtler, temporary enhancements. Fillers don’t carry the risks associated with surgical procedures and don’t involve downtime. 

Ultimately, making the choice between the two depends on your desired outcome and commitment to recovery time.

The Bottom Line

Jaw fillers are a fast-growing trend offering a temporary solution for lack of jawline definition, a weak chin and jowls. Several FDA-approved facial fillers can be used for the jaw, including Juvederm Volux, Voluma XC, Restylane and Sculptra. 

When choosing a filler, elements to consider are its longevity, reversibility and ability to create subtle or dramatic results. In some cases, complementary procedures like Kybella, thread lifts or Botox can work synergistically with fillers for more comprehensive results. And if you’re looking for an even bigger change, a surgical procedure such as jaw augmentation or a chin implant can offer more dramatic and permanent results, although the process will involve downtime and more risk of complications.

By being informed on the types of fillers and other procedures available for jawline enhancement, you’ll be empowered to make the best decision for you.

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